2 Year Olds For Sale: 

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Famous Fames Flame
DOB: 4/2/03

Bay and white tobiano PtHA filly. Flame is a superb all-around family horse prospect with the color to add that extra bit of pizzazz to your pasture! By the the versatility-bred APHA/PtHA stallion, Exclusive Patch and out of the gorgeous PtHA mare, Famous Fame, Flame is ready to get her continuing education with you! She has 30 days professional training under saddle and has taken everything presented to her with with a calm and willing attitude. 

Price: $1500

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Blue Eyed Sparky
DOB: 5/2/03

You won't miss this guy in the show ring! Blue Eyes has that eye-catching color that everyone wants AND conformation and temperament to back it up! Blue Eyes has been shown at halter and has 45 days professional training under saddle. Here is your next winner in any event!

His pedigree boasts the likes of APHA Champions Gallant Ghost and Kingfisher McCue- he should mature at 15.1 -15.2 hands. His temperament and athletic ability should allow him to be suitable for almost any direction you want to go: Western, English, Speed events or just an all around great family horse!

Price: $2000

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Maddy Trax
DOB: 5/17/03

Bay and white tobiano filly. Maddy is a sweet girl with the pedigree and the everyone loves. She is a granddaughter of Show em off Sam. She is ready to start under saddle and is a possible hunt horse contender. Already standing 15 hands+, and still growing! Don't let this one get away!

Price: $1400

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Firered Quinn
DOB: 5/17/03

Bay and white APHA tobiano filly. Quinn is a LOUD and conformationally correct filly that definitely stands out in a crowd. She already has 30 days of riding underneath her in addition to a great set ground manners. A great all around prospect with a heart of gold!

 Price: $1750

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Gallant Storm Drifter
DOB: 6/15/03

Bay and white tobiano filly, Stormy is a sweet mare that is ready to go in any direction that you wish! She is ready to start under saddle and already has a great set of ground manners--lounges, ground drives etc. She is correct, sound and healthy--take her home today! She is by the homozygous APHA grandson of Gallant Ghost, Exclusive Patch and will produce athletic, colorful babies someday!

 Price: $1600